Update Utility Token Dhahab Sports Exchanges

Utility tokens have their main focus on the long term and their many applications as the traditional market incorporates Web3 trading. The benefits of this amalgamation are well known, especially with regard to the security of personal and financial data. On the other hand, users and even developers tend to give even exacerbated attention to […]

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Atualização das exchange Utility Token Dhahab Sports.

Utility tokens têm como seu principal foco o longo prazo e suas muitas aplicações à medida que o mercado tradicional for incorporando as negociações na Web3. Os benefícios dessa amálgama são bem conhecidos, principalmente no que tange à segurança de dados pessoais e financeiros. Por outro lado, os usuários e até mesmo os desenvolvedores tendem […]

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Staking na Dhahab Sports

Como funcionará o Stake na Dhahab Sports? Se você está lendo isso, é provável que esteja familiarizado com o conceito de staking. O staking é a manutenção de fundos (holding) em uma wallet de criptoativos para apoiar a segurança e as operações de uma rede blockchain. Simplificando, fazer staking é o ato de manter criptoativos […]

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The mission of Dhahab Utility Token is to unite the universe of sports!

Dhahab Sports is developing an entertainment ecosystem uniting all sports in one place. Through Blockchain, the transformation of the relationships of market players is a reality, as they intend to create a transparent and fair environment that unites the best of sport. Imagine you have the opportunity to participate in events and be subsidized with […]

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Financial Survey of Brazilian Clubs 2021.

According to the report released by EY in May 2022, the Financial Survey of Brazilian Clubs 2021 Reveals the following data: That the total revenue of Brazilian clubs in 2021 reaches the value of 7.5 billion reais, +37% compared to 2020. The report shows growth of  Actual Total Revenue between 2012 and 2021 of +89% What surprised us was that: Recipes Total […]

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